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Resmed airsense 11 manual

Therapy data The AirSense 11 device records your therapy data for viewing and adjusting by your care provider if required. The data is transferred to your care provider in the following methods Push the SD card cover.
Remove the SD card cover and keep the SD card cover in a safe place. Insert the SD card. Push in the SD card until it clicks in place. To remove the SD card: 1. Page Cleaning And Caring For The Device Exposure to smoke, including cigarette, cigar or pipe smoke, as well as ozone or other gases, may damage the device. Damage caused by any of the foregoing, will not be covered by ResMed’s limited warranty.
Page Disassembling Disassembling 1. Hold the humidifier tub at the top and bottom, press it gently and pull it away from the device. Note: take care when handling the humidifier tub as the humidifier tub may be hot. Allow 10 minutes for the heater plate and any excess water to cool. Page Checking Do not wash the air tubing in a dishwasher or washing machine. Your AirSense 11 device may be taken on board as carry-on luggage. Medical devices do not count toward your carry-on luggage limit.
Page Troubleshooting Troubleshooting If you have any problems, have a look at the following troubleshooting topics. If you are not able to fix the problem, contact your care provider or ResMed. Do not try to open the device. Page 22 Incompatible mask being used Only use equipment recommended by ResMed. Contact ResMed or see ResMed. If you are using a nasal pillows mask with set pressure less than 7 cm O 7 hPa , SmartStop may not work and should be disabled.
Page General Warnings 3. Otherwise, degradation of the performance of this equipment could result. For any serious incidents that occur in relation to this device, these should be reported to ResMed and the competent authority in your country. Page Technical Specifications 4. Flow maximum at set pressures The following are measured according to ISO Note: The use of a ResMed approved hypoallergenic filter will result in a small reduction in the accuracy of the delivered pressure at high leaks.
Page 26 3. However, should you suspect that the device performance eg. Page Symbols Standard: 6’6″ 2. Air tubing resistance to flow and compliance information Refer to the Air tubing compliance guide in ResMed.
Symbols Follow instructions before use. Indicates a warning or caution. Page Servicing ResMed. ResMed recommends that the AirSense 11 device be inspected and serviced by an authorized ResMed Service Centre if there is any sign of wear or concern with device function. Otherwise, service and inspection of the products generally should not be required during their design life. Page Further Information ResMed shall not be responsible for any incidental or consequential damages claimed to have resulted from the sale, installation or use of any ResMed product.
For each humidifier setting, the Climate Control system delivers a constant amount of water vapor, or absolute humidity AH , to the patient’s upper airway. Page 16 Recommended masks for use with this device are listed on ResMed.
This allows you to access, view and change therapy and device settings and to track the sleep health progress of your patient. The status bar at the top of the screen may display icons at different times and may include The Home screen will appear.
This is also the Patient Home screen. Page 19 Using the touch screen: There are two actions to navigate through the touch screen: Swipe: Swipe up or down the screen to view menu options.. Tap: Select a parameter setting to update. Before pairing the AirSense 11 device to a smartphone, ensure the app’s latest version is installed on the smartphone. Page Setting The Time Zone The patient data will need to be erased before changing the time zone.
To change Time Zone: 1. To start therapy: 1. Direct the patient to fit their mask. Page Viewing Sleep Data And Option Controls Viewing sleep data and option controls The Sleep View screen shows sleep quality and mask seal status for the most recent therapy session. The parameters displayed will depend on the therapy mode. In the Patient view, there are two types of access levels: Simple and Advanced. Fitting an oxygen port 1. Page Cleaning And Caring For The Device Exposure to smoke, including cigarette, cigar or pipe smoke, as well as ozone or other gases, may damage the device.
Damage caused by any of the foregoing, will not be covered by ResMed’s limited warranty. Page Disassembling Disassembling 1. Hold the humidifier tub at the top and bottom, press it gently and pull it away from the device. Note: take care when handling the humidifier tub as the humidifier tub may be hot. Allow 10 minutes for the heater plate and any excess water to cool. Make sure that all parts are dry before plugging it in.
General summary ResMed has validated the following number of cycles for cleaning and disinfection using a manual cleaning method. Page Disassembling Disassembling Before disassembly, turn off the device and ensure the AC adapter has been removed. Cleanable Humidifier tub 1. Page Device Enclosure Device enclosure Cleaning Clean the device enclosure using an alcohol based cleaning and disinfection wipe. ResMed has validated CaviWipes1. Wipe the exterior of the device using a wipe until visually clean following the manufacturer’s instruction for cleaning.
Use a minimum of two wipes. Page Disinfection Higher temperatures may damage the components. Allow the components to dry out of direct sunlight. High level chemical disinfection 1.
Make a solution of Ortho-phthalaldehyde 0. Insert one side of the lid into the pivot hole of the base. Insert the other side of the lid into the pivot hole. Push the lid down until it clicks in place.
Air tubing 1. The AirSense 11 device also stores data on the SD card. The SD card should not be used for any other purpose as it may corrupt therapy data stored on the card. High resolution flow and pressure data are stored on the SD card.
Page Troubleshooting Troubleshooting If there is a problem, try the following suggestions. If you are not able to fix the problem, contact your local ResMed dealer or ResMed office. Do not open the device. Page 38 SmartStop is enabled but does not automatically stop when the patient removes their mask Incompatible mask being used Only use equipment recommended by ResMed. Contact ResMed or see ResMed. For any serious incidents that occur in relation to this device, these should be reported to ResMed and the competent authority in your country.
Page Technical Specifications 4.
RESMED AIRSENSE 11 USER MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib
The AirSense 11 Elite is ResMed’s Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) device. WARNING. • Read this entire guide before using the device. • This device is. AirSense 11 AutoSet (including AutoSet for Her). The AirSense 11 self-adjusting system is indicated for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in.
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